By Jyrki Saario

„Feeling is believing!”

Saario Academy

Jyrki Saario

A jelenleg is aktív Jyrki Saario mester által alapított, és nevével fémjelzett szerevet 1983 óta képez szakembereket világszerte. Jelenleg 6 európai országban oktatunk önvédelmet több ezer tanulónak.

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Years of experience

How to become an instructor

Instructor training

There is no training in your area and you might want to teach self-defense, then apply for our training program! 

✅ Are you interested in the world of realistic street self-defense?

✅ Would you like to get to know one of the most well-known melee systems in the world?

✅ Do you feel an ambition to teach others about effective self-defense?

Training courses available at Saario Academy!

Classic Krav Maga

The primary goal of Krav Maga is to prepare a person to recognize violent situations and to handle them very quickly and appropriately.


Defendo's techniques date back to ancient times, where wrestling was not fought within today's framework, but without rules, for sheer survival.

Amazon Training

For girls only! 🙂 If you are interested in self-defense, if you want to get home safely, if you want to protect yourself, if you want to get in better shape,

Safe Kid

SAFE Kid is a self-defense system developed specifically for children based on KravMaga and Defendo.

Ironman Grappling & Kickboxing

Ironman Grappling is based on the best solutions of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, European wrestling and Russian sambo.

Hard Training

Functional training specifically for combat athletes and self-defense practitioners.

Contact us


+36 30-541-7450


132 Budapest, Victor Hugo utca 6. SA Gym Budapest

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